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MonX™ Server Monitoring

Wavex's powerful proprietary server monitoring tool pre-empts server problems before they impact the network.

Server performance interrogated in real-time without any bandwidth overhead.

MonX, Wavex's proprietary server monitoring application, delivers genuinely pre-emptive reporting, interrogating server performance in real-time to flag up issues before they impact your business.

Using the unique experience Wavex has in network application development and network support, Wavex has developed MonX™ - providing you up to the minute answers to everyday server issues.

MonX™ currently examines: Event logs, data backups, disk space, CPU running speed, newly added/removed applications, service state and purpose, memory usage, and reports on last time of administration.

It has been designed to be simple to install, in fact, you don't need to be technical, just have a valid email address to receive the notifications. And what's best, we are currently offering a free version.*

It doesn't just monitor your servers, but queries our Wavex knowledgebase of 1000's of solutions. As different events occur, you are sent pertinent information related to solving the problem. Our engineers are continually adding to our knowledgebase with the solutions and fixes they've found while addressing similar issues.

*The full-paid version includes support for Windows Management Implementation, full knowledgebase access, engineer monitored events.

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