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Data Storage Services

DSX (Data Storage Services)

Wavex DSX, the online, remote data back-up and storage solution.

Automated, Secure, Fast, Simple and Scalable

Wavex can store many terabytes of data at our secure remote facility, removing the hassle of backup tapes and manual storage.

Traditional tape backup solutions can be unreliable, time-consuming and difficult to manage. The backup quality often depends upon local staff and equipment, leaving high value data potentially unprotected.

Wavex has selected a leading online storage and back up platform for DSX. The DSX network based backup-restore solution overcomes the limitations of tape. It enables the restoration of single files in minutes, through to disaster recovery of whole networks.

With DSX, Wavex can help clients to manage distributed data that is spread over many locations and systems, by placing it into a central, secure storage environment, reliably and efficiently. DSX also eliminates the need for a traditional backup media to be taken to an offsite location on a daily basis.

Because DSX supports Windows, Mac and UNIX environments, customers can protect all their data across the entire network, whether it resides on servers, desktops, laptops, in a central LAN or in distributed LANs.

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