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MonX™ Technical Details

How does it work?

MonX runs on your servers looking for things that should be corrected (low disk space, services stopping, high CPU, errors in the event log..etc). When a condition occurs, it queries the Wavex Knowledgebase for information to determine the criticality of the error to the functioning of the server. The information gathered is then emailed to the registrant.

How does it know if a problem occurs?

Microsoft has provided a set of API's (application Program Interface) which provide a generic way of obtaining certain information, like CPU speed or memory. When these drop below pre-defined thresholds the agent passes our Knowledgebase details of the event. Our knowlegdebase then decides if the event is important enough to inform you.


Compatible with NT4 Server (Service Pack 4+), Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, SBS 4.5, SBS 2000, SBS 2003.


MonX works with many firewalls without the need to make any changes. It uses protocol UDP port 10132 so you may need to allow this traffic out. Wavex cannot guarantee that MonX will work on every network and therefore, if you have any questions, please email Monx Support.

Will it generate lots of network traffic?

No. Because the messaging protocol is based around UDP, each server is not likely to send more than one packet a minute. To put this in perspective, if you were monitoring 100 servers the traffic generated would be less than a single person browsing the Internet.

Is it secure?

Yes. MonX encrypts all data using a secure encryption routine. Even in the highly unlikely event of a security breach, the data MonX transmits is simple technical information about disk space, services, etc. No sensitive information is transmitted.

Can I remove it?

Of course. Simply use the normal add/remove programs applet and choose MonX. (Click Start, Control Panel)

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