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Project Based IT Services

Project Based Services

Wavex's project based IT services combine high levels of flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Extensive experience in project based service provision

Wavex has a successful track record in providing emerging corporates and SMEs with a wide range of project-based support.

Our services encompass migration, upgrades, network design and build and infrastructure audits. Our modular approach to IT services enables us to deploy the resources required in a totally flexible, cost-efficient way.

For organisations seeking to partially outsource internal IT functions, it's a perfect solution. We work closely with clients' internal IT teams to help meet both technical and business objectives. We assess risk and put in place processes that are underpinned by the latest project management methodologies.

We focus on communicating not only with project stakeholders, but anyone who is affected by a project to ensure total buy-in. Our Web-based surveys enable us to capture user requirements and highlight any issues that may affect the success of a project.

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