Return on investment

This page will calculate where you will make savings through Wavex's outsourcing model.
Number of employees
Average yearly salary
Average cost of benefits for each employee.(pension, insurance, health cover).
Annual rental cost of your office space.
Average annual number of days holiday taken by each employee.
Average annual days sick per employee (not simply days taken sick, see below question).
Average annual number of days an employee has been able to work but unable to get to the office (e.g. because of strikes, delays..etc).
For what duration (hours) has the power been unavailable over the last year (power cuts)?
How many times a week does the data on the servers get backed up (if you have servers).
How many laptops do you have in your organisation?
If you have laptops, how many times a month does the data on the laptops get backed up.
How many PCs (not servers) do you have in your organisation?
How many times a week does any PC (not server) have a problem which prevents employee(s) working. (Total number of problems for all your PCs).
If you have servers, for what duration a month is a server unavailable (crashed, upgrade).
Tick the services provided by servers. (If you don't have any servers, you need not tick any boxes).  
File Storage
Dial-in access
Do you have servers within your office that provide your customers with any of the following services.  
Web based services
Database services

Other service

Number of times accessed a week
Tick the following items you have.  
A hub/switch (if you have a network you will probably have one of these).
ADSL (broadband)
Leased Line (not broadband).
Up to date virus scanners.
UPS (uninteruptable power supply)
Backup device for servers.
Dial-in remote access (staff can use a modem to dial into office).
VPN access (staff can access office securely over Internet).
Your email address (fill in if you wish to be sent a Wavex service's overview document)
That's it!

And it will only takes about an hour (depending on the complexity of your site) to setup everything! You could become a valued Wavex customer within the next couple of days. We support customers with anything from 5 to several hundred users.