Cost calculator

Wavex support - a cost effective solution for your IT support needs.

  e-mail address (you will not be added to any mailing lists, you may receive a single automated email.)
  Cost model tell me more Flat fee Time based fee
  Include on-site support (tick means yes)
  Total number of PCs and Laptops
  If you already have on-site support people, what percentage of support do you envisage them carrying out?
  What is the predominant operating system on your PCs.
  Number of Servers
  What is the predominant operating system on your server(s).
  May we contact you by email? (tick means yes).

And it will only takes about an hour (depending on the complexity of your site) to setup everything! You could become a valued Wavex customer within the next couple of days. We support customers with anything from 5 to several hundred users.